Helping Startup Companies
Excellent technology developed in an academic laboratory led to the development of a medical device as a startup company in a University incubator. However, in order to attract the necessary funding from investors, the company would need to develop regulatory and commercialization plans. A team of BioPhia members were able to provide regulatory, quality and commercialization support to help get this company started.
A client had excellent technology that could be applied to the development of a medical device. The research was conducted in an academic lab and then used to start a company that was a part of the University incubator.
BioPhia Role:
BioPhia was engaged to mentor the startup company. Strategy advice was provided to give industry perspective to commercialization of the technology.
BioPhia team members were added as needed. Regulatory advice and quality assurance planning helped the company with development plans. BioPhia aslo served as the industry mentor for the NSF I-CORPS program in which the startup company participated.
The startup company was able to successfully identify market opportunities and create development plans to seek investors.