Biologics FDA Regulatory Overview - Video
BioPhia Consultant Ed Moore presents a training video as part of the Great Lakes Medical Jumpstart I-CORPS program discussing the regulatory paths associated with therapeutic biologic products.
The FDA describes biological products as those that are generally derived from living material (human, animal, or microorganism), are complex in structure (unlike drugs which have well-defined chemical structures), and thus are usually not fully characterized. Both the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) and Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) have regulatory responsibility for therapeutic biological products. Included in this regulatory overview are the major approval considerations and requirements for a Biologics License Application (BLA) submission.
Risk Based Method Transfer
Jeffrey Staecker, PhD
The article summarizing the CASSS CMC Forum “Methods on the Move: Addressing Method Transfer Challenges for the Biopharmaceutical Industry” appeared in BioProcess International. The article summarizes the conference where BioPhia Principal Consultant Jeffrey Staecker presented and co-chaired. Jeff’s presentation can be found below and the BioProcess International article can be found at
Quality Risk Management Training
Steven Laurenz
Per ICH Q10 Quality risk management is integral to an effective pharmaceutical quality system. It can provide a proactive approach to identifying, scientifically evaluating and Controlling potential risks to quality. However integrating the principles of QRM into our quality processes is complex especially in a pharmaceutical organization. There is much confusion on how to define risk and individuals often think of quality risk management as just a tool like FMEA analysis verses an overall QRM approach. This presentation helps explain the important concepts associated with a QRM approach.
Implementing Quality by Design Program for Drug Product Development Steven Laurenz Implementing these principles into the pharmaceutical culture can be challenging. QbD involves a complex set of interactions, technologies and systems that are not easy to grasp. The following presentation outlines the important concepts needed to implement a practical QbD program.
Making Decisions with Probability Distributions
David LeBlond
An overview of 13 continuous and 5 discrete probability distributions useful for risk assessment and other applications. Includes a description of the probability density, cumulative distribution, and quantile functions of each as well as MS Excel formulae for their evaluation. Methods for generating random samples from these distributions and some additional MS Excel matrix algebra capabilities are described.